Sunday, August 4, 2013

Getting closer... and get more nervous.


I am trying to keep calm since I am now at the point of no return. I mean, I guess I was at that point as soon as the first needle went into my stomach, but now that my follicles are growing and my egg retrieval surgery will be THIS week, it is feeling way more real! I am not at all nervous about having a baby since that is obviously my goal and I cannot wait to be a mom to a little person! What I am nervous about is the surgery (I have never been under anesthesia before and it's just giving me anxiety), and I am nervous about my eggs being good and growing good embryos and I think most of all, I am nervous about the butt shots. I literally get heart palpitations just thinking about them and I am starting to have trouble sleeping because I know they are coming up this week. There's more anxiety about the fact that J is going to have to do the butt shots, since I don't think I will be able to get the right angle for darting my own butt. I seriously wish I could just continue to do stomach shots! Blah!
I have to keep reminding myself that I am hopefully just one shot closer to my baby! I hope I can do this, because right now, I think butt shots for another month and a half (or more) and I just want to cry.
Yeah...seems accurate

Anyway, my follies were around 14 mm this morning (they need to be around 17mm for retrieval), so I am at the point where I have to go in for blood work and ultrasounds every day, instead of every other day (super excited about that one...). The doctor said I should expect to have an egg retrieval around Wednesday or Thursday of this week, which means I will get my trigger shot (my first butt shot) around Tuesday probably. I just can't wait till this is all over and I have a baby occupying my ute! 


  1. You can and will do it!! Good luck!!

  2. Keep thinking about the WHY, not all of the things you actually have to do, but the reason you're doing all of this. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that things go smoothly for you. Good luck!!
