Thursday, August 8, 2013

"Just keep growing, Just keep growing...Just keep growing, growing, growing"

Had my egg retrieval yesterday and it went better (and worse) than expected! Everything was fine for the surgery and I did pretty well at mostly remaining positive and calm, but it was my first experience under anesthesia, so you can imagine there were some nerves involved.
Getting ready to go. Wore my lucky socks and star shirt!
 Everything was okay, I came out of surgery fine and they told us they had retrieved 15 eggs. I got home and went from really exhausted from the anesthesia, to shivering uncontrollably and having bad anxiety. Apparently, this is a reaction that some women have to coming off anesthesia and of course I am one of those lucky women. I got zero sleep last night and still am feeling anxious today, but it has improved a bit, so I will hope it is gone by tonight and I can get a good night sleep!

I brought Trixy to the hospital with me and she was a hit with all of the nurses. The nurse that did my IV, took Trixy around the floor, showing her off to all of the other nurses and doctors and having them guess what she was. The OR nurse let Trixy come to the operating room with me, so she was with me throughout the whole surgery, keeping an eye on my uterus and ovaries for me, while I was asleep!
Got Trixy and my IV

Even though I am exhausted this morning, I decided not to even really attempt sleep, in hopes that I will crash when it is bed time tonight. This means I was awake and at the phone when the nurse called to check up on me and give me my Fert. Report. Right now, we have 5 little Nemo's (embryo's) growing in the lab today. Barring any complication to my little Nemo's, I am scheduled for am embryo transfer for Monday morning and I hope that Nemo is super sticky and snuggles right in!
This is how I feel...on a smaller scale obviously! lol

Thank you to all that sent well wishes and good juju for must have helped!


  1. Yay for this part being over! Sounds like you were a trooper :) Sending lots of positive vibes for Monday!! Clearly it helped with today's surgery, so the juju is working!! ;)

  2. I'm so excited that Trixy was allowed in the OR with you!! Good luck!!

  3. Yay! FX that everything goes well on Monday!

  4. Thanks girls! I am so nervous about Monday because I have no idea how my Nemo's are doing right now! Ahh!
