Sunday, September 29, 2013

Before the start of IVF #2

So, before I start my second IVF, I have been wanting to do a few things that I know I can't do while on meds. Yesterday, we did something super fun and went ziplining! I have been wanting to do this for a while and thought about going all summer, but obviously never got around to it because I wasn't allowed to do anything physical while doing shots, since my reproductive organs were a larger than usual!
We had so much fun, that I even looked up another ziplining place relatively close to us because I kinda want to go again maybe next weekend or the weekend after! There is one a couple hours away that is the largest in North America and second largest in the obviously now I am addicted and HAVE to go!
I also want to go to six flags before their season is over...I am not big on roller coasters but I feel like going on a couple "baby" rides and just letting loose for a bit. We will see what gets done, since I am due to mostly likely start my Lupron shots on October 7th or 8th.


 I was on Facebook today and this article about infertility was posted, so I thought I would share it here. It is a short but worthy read, whether you are going through infertility yourself or know someone who is. Infertility is a subject that needs to be more supported and no one should feel ashamed if they are going through this battle. I have generally kept my infertility journey a secret from real life friends and family, but I just don't care to do so anymore, so this article was the first thing about infertility that I have shared on my profile for everyone to see. I am not going to make the topic my Facebook status or anything, but I don't feel the need to hide anymore. Hope you enjoy the article and can get something from it.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Thought I would share my weekend: Parker's two sisters (yes they're related to him) came for an over night visit and he was in his glory! It was definitely a full house with three, full grown doodles in our tiny apartment, but how could I deny that kind of happiness for my boy?  I have decided that as soon as we move, we are getting a doodle brother or sister for Parker. He would love to have a playmate and I'd like him to enjoy that while he's still young himself! Hope you enjoy the little photo dump! I needed something fun on my blog for a change!

Parker, Abby (middle) and Penny

Penny and Abby giving J some love lol

Parker and Abby being silly...Penny photo-bombing

Doods on the couch! (Parker, Penny & Abby)

Jeep Doods: Parker, Penny & Abby
Depressed after his sister's left. Poor boy

Tri-dood waiting for a treat!
Exhausted after his sister's left

Friday, September 20, 2013


Lately, I have been thinking a lot about our next steps in the TTC process. We took September to try the old fashioned way again, but since my period showed up this week, I think it is safe to say, it's not going to be that easy!
Our choices are limited...we can either try on our own (which we have done for over a year and clearly it's not working), I can have the laparoscopy surgery so that the doctor can see what's going on in my reproductive region (which he thinks is probably endometriosis) or I can go forward with our last, insurance covered IVF (since the doctor told me the surgery won't improve an IVF cycle anyway).
I have been worried about going ahead with a second IVF cycle so soon because this is our last cycle that would be covered by insurance and paying out of pocket would be pretty much impossible for us, leaving me feeling extremely hopeless. The doctor also didn't sound very confident that the second IVF would be the ONE, which is super motivating obviously, but as I was driving to work today, I was thinking about it and I decided very quickly that going forward with a second IVF is the way I need to go right now.
J and I have a goal to move out of state and we are hoping this will be in the fairly near future, which obviously means new jobs and new insurance. As I was going back and forth about IVF or surgery, I realized as hopeless as it probably is, I need to just go ahead with the IVF while I have that coverage, since I obviously don't know what future insurance coverage will be and I think the surgery will be easier to get covered in the future. I don't want to move and "waste" an insurance covered IVF cycle and always wonder "what if".
I called my RE's office today and spoke to a nurse about starting a new cycle, so she is going to speak to my doctor and they will decide what my protocol will be (whether he will stick with the same meds or change them), though I know he is planning on doing ICSI (individually injecting a sperm into each egg to hopefully increase the number of embryos I get) and holding me a little longer while on Follistim to potentially increase my chances of having even more mature eggs.  If all gets sorted this weekend, hopefully I can get started on CD21 of THIS cycle. I am anxious to start sooner rather than later because we have a week long vacation planned for thanksgiving and I am not really supposed to travel during IVF since I need the frequent blood work and ultrasound monitoring.
Hopefully all goes smoothly, though this cycle holds a lot more anxiety than the last one, especially because I know what happens now.
For now, everything is crossed and I will try to remain hopeful and push my negative doubts to the back of my mind.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Labor Day Weekend 2013

Nothing much to update about TTC. We are taking at least two cycles off because I need to just be normal for a little. I still haven't decided when/if I am going to go forward with the Lap surgery, though I know deep down I don't have much of a choice.

On to better things...for Labor Day weekend, we rented a cabin up near Lake Placid in NY and it was a peaceful retreat! We had a small, private lake access beach and we just relaxed, swam, canoed and shopped a little in the town of Lake Placid. Parker LOVED the lake house...I think if he could have been adopted by someone who lived there, he would have ditched us! He went for daily swims and just had a ball, which we were surprised about because before this, he has been pretty hesitant about water and swimming. From the moment we got to the lake, he jumped right in and it was hard to keep him out! Here's some photos from our trip.

Got him a lifejacket for first!

Dudes at the lake
Blustery day

"When can we go back in the water?"

Our cabin

Bobsled dood

Beautiful sunset after a thunderstorm
Mommy and Parker canoeing

Water dog