Sunday, September 8, 2013

Labor Day Weekend 2013

Nothing much to update about TTC. We are taking at least two cycles off because I need to just be normal for a little. I still haven't decided when/if I am going to go forward with the Lap surgery, though I know deep down I don't have much of a choice.

On to better things...for Labor Day weekend, we rented a cabin up near Lake Placid in NY and it was a peaceful retreat! We had a small, private lake access beach and we just relaxed, swam, canoed and shopped a little in the town of Lake Placid. Parker LOVED the lake house...I think if he could have been adopted by someone who lived there, he would have ditched us! He went for daily swims and just had a ball, which we were surprised about because before this, he has been pretty hesitant about water and swimming. From the moment we got to the lake, he jumped right in and it was hard to keep him out! Here's some photos from our trip.

Got him a lifejacket for first!

Dudes at the lake
Blustery day

"When can we go back in the water?"

Our cabin

Bobsled dood

Beautiful sunset after a thunderstorm
Mommy and Parker canoeing

Water dog


  1. Looks like you had a nice trip! Hope taking a few cycles off helps. (hugs)

  2. I'm so glad that you had a nice trip! Parker is adorable - I love his little duck toy :)
