Sunday, December 8, 2013

7 Weeks Today!

Today is the beginning of my 7th week and even though that doesn't seem like much, it's a lot as far as baby's development and growth! This week, baby should be getting as big as a blueberry and his/her brain is becoming more developed and even beginning to have a more defined face!
A visible baby now!
As far as symptoms, nothing crazy yet, but definitely more nausea and I have moments of random and total exhaustion where I can't keep my eyes open! I am also having some "baby brain" memory issues (yes...I am blaming the seahorse for why I almost drove out of a one way entrance into a busy street yesterday!) and I think it is totally legit, because according to my pregnancy app, the blood from my brain is now being redirected towards the placenta for the baby! J doesn't believe me though and just thinks I am an airhead.

I have another ultrasound on Thursday, December 12th and I hope to see baby seahorse's heart beating even stronger! I think J is going to come to that appointment, since he was disappointed he missed the first one, especially since the doctor said the heartbeat will be easier to hear this week!


Yesterday, we went and got our Christmas tree and I started putting up the lights around our windows. I LOVE Christmas lights and I would seriously have them up all year round if it wouldn't make me look like a crazy lady! We went in a different direction this year with our tree...We normally go to one of those cut your own tree farms and pick a nice big 7ft tree, but this year we went to a more local farm that had pre-cut trees and the tree that caught our eyes was only 5.5ft! It's super cute, but feels weird not to have a bigger tree, though this one was is much easier to decorate!

Parker and his tree