Thursday, December 5, 2013

Baby's Got Beats!

Today I had my second ultrasound and was shaking at the prospect of not seeing my seahorse's heartbeat. I am 6 weeks 4 days today which is early, but I knew there was a possibility of at least seeing the little flicker.

When he put the ultrasound wand in, at first I was looking at the screen and didn't really see anything! My heart dropped thinking my baby was gone and I was going to get bad news....then he shifted the wand around a bit and there (s)he was! Baby seahorse has gotten bigger than last week (which is the goal obviously!) and then the doctor says "See that little tiny flicker??? That's the hearbeat!" It was sooooo tiny, but I saw it!
You can actually see the baby dot this week!

My baby's heart is pumping at 131 bpm and he even managed to catch it to be able to hear a few beats too! That amazing booming sound was the best thing I could ever hear! I wasn't even expecting to hear anything today, just see the flicker since it's early! Seeing the flicker alone and knowing that my baby is alive and moving, was so BEAUTIFUL and I feel so much better about everything! I know I am far from out of the woods, but I am glad that so far my seahorse is progressing as (s)he should.

**The heartbeat is difficult to hear in the video, but the bigger white dashes during the sound testing are the baby's beats! We heard it much better of course when I turned off the video camera, but the doc said it will be much easier to hear it next week! You can also kind of see my little seahorse flickering on the screen at the beginning!


  1. This is so amazing! That's the most beautiful little flicker! I'm so frickin happy for you, I can hardly stand it! XOXO

  2. Yay!! I am so, so happy to see/hear this! I can't wait until next week <3 ,<3
