I hope everyone had wonderful holidays! I know they aren't over yet...we still have New Year's to get through! I thought I would share some of our Christmas photos with you all, since not much else has happened!
Mommy and Parker in our Christmas jammies! |
Christmas is hard |
My sister got me this awesome necklace for my seahorse! |
Parker got me a little jewelry dish. it says, "if I didn't have you as a mom, I'd choose you as my friend" |
Some pregnancy scrapbooking stuff |
I know that Christmas isn't all about gifts, but other than my little miracle waving to me which was amazing, I also got some great gifts under the tree! My sister got me a fetal Doppler and we tested it out, even though I figured it would be too early, but I managed to find a little galloping heartbeat in there and that was pretty exciting! When I get further along and the baby is bigger, I'm sure it will be much easier to work!
Now that Christmas is out of the way, we are officially in stress mode for the next month or so! On top of our little miracle making an appearance in July 2014, we decided to tack on another big event for the beginning of the year! We have 3 weeks to move from New Jersey to Charlotte, North Carolina. J got a new job and we are excited to move somewhere new and even have more space, but the actual move will be extremely stressful, as we don't really have much help and J will still be finishing up his last two weeks at his present job. Packing up an entire apartment alone, with my pregnancy exhaustion is going to be really tough! I hope my baby lets me wake up next week, because if I continue how I have been feeling the last couple of days, we are in big trouble!
Anyway, if I don't post beforehand, I am wishing everyone a Happy New Year and I hope that all of my friends out there will get their beautiful miracles in 2014!
I love the picture of Parker all tuckered out. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas.