Thursday, December 12, 2013

Baby Seahorse

Got to see baby seahorse again today! Heartbeat went up to 157 BPM, so I am super happy about that! And the baby was more than just a dot today, which was pretty exciting! His/her picture actually looks like a little seahorse right now, which I found amusing! The picture shows the baby upside down right now (silly baby), so the head is on the bottom and the little bit sticking out is a limb bud! My baby has limb buds! How cool is that!? (The dot off to the left side is the yolk sac, which the doctor says eventually goes away)

The doctor said that today will probably be my last day going to the fertility clinic (which makes me sad!), so I will be graduated to my OB like a regular pregnant lady now! I have my first OB appointment next Friday (December 20th), but I don't know if they do an ultrasound at that appointment and I am going to miss my weekly baby picture! I know being graduated is a good thing though, so I should feel comforted that the RE feels happy letting me go.

**Update** RE's office just called and said I am definitely being released from them (where's my cap and gown??) and that I can stop all my meds! This means NO MORE BUTT SHOTS!


  1. I love that little blob!!! So excited for you! <3

  2. So happy to see the picture and hear that the HB is looking awesome! Congrats on graduating :)

  3. So happy for you and J! Glad things are going well!

  4. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I found your Blog on one of the boards as I was searching for information, you really inspire me and give strenght and hope as I am going thru serious infertility issues myself, we have benn trying for almos 4 years and the last issue was hidrosalpinx on both of my tubes. I am still not giving up and praying God would make a miracle and bless us what that baby we want so much! Good luck with everything and I'll keep visiting....

    1. Thanks! I am glad you enjoy reading and I hope you find your success too!
