Thursday, July 18, 2013

First week of Lupron completed!

Walking with Parker in the park

So today was my 7th Lupron shot and it is still going okay. Been having some crankiness and insomnia (which I already have issues with), but other than that, everything feels pretty normal. It feels like the last week went pretty quick, so I am hoping it continues to fly by and we get to the point of hearing a precious little heartbeat, sooner rather than later!
The next steps right now, are continuing the Lupron shots and waiting for my period to show up so I can get my blood work and ultrasound and they decide when I can start the Follistim, to get these ovaries hustling!
I have been trying to make sure we do/eat things during the week to keep myself occupied and active. We take Parker for a walk in the park every evening (weather permitting), which feels good. A walk helps me clear my head and I want to stay active as long as I am physically comfortable, especially while the warm weather is upon us!
 I also convinced J (didn't take much!) to take me for ice cream one night and we had yummy pizza last night for dinner! Just some treats to keep me going!

Even Parker enjoyed some ice cream with us! Because of course, I include him whenever I can.
Giving him some licks when I was done.

We have also had our couch potato moments and have been watching episodes of Downton Abbey from Netflix. Parker loves being a couch potato as well, though I don't think he finds Downton so exciting.  We are going to need a new show to find on Netflix soon, because we only have two more episodes of D.A.!
Bored and Sleepy
***If anyone knows how to put photos next to each other in a row, instead of haphazardly across the page, please share! It is getting on nerves!


  1. Whenever we go to Dairy Queen we get Samson a pup cup. He loves it :)

    I need to start watching Downton Abbey!

  2. I love the Parker pics! As for the blog photos, I found that I had to shrink them to a smaller size (click on them to get those options) and then I was able to put two next to each other on the same line. When they were bigger, they wouldn't fit. I think I also changed the auto centre and changed it to left justification, that way the first one went all the way to the left, then I hit space a couple of times and added the second one. HTH :)
