Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Meds arrived! Ahhh!

So my IVF medications arrived today, through my mail-order pharmacy and it is very overwhelming! I took an IVF class with my RE and they taught us all about how to prepare the injections, what needles to use and how to mix everything, but now that I am seeing everything in front of me at once, I have no idea what to do! There are multiple bags with different sized needles and syringes and I forget which one goes to which medication! I also feel like I wasn't given enough alcohol swabs for making sure everything is sanitized before and I am going to be seriously anal about that!

Going a little crazy right now and I know my doctor will go over each medication as I am meant to start it, but I am supposed to start the Lupron injections Friday or Saturday and I want to know EXACTLY what to do before then!


  1. Just take it a day at a time. I'm sure it's overwhelming, but you can do this! :D

  2. Thanks, Sun! I hope you are right, because it's about to get real!
