Monday, July 29, 2013

That's so stimulating!

So, since my last post, I have gotten my period, had two more ultrasounds and blood work and I started my Follistim on Friday. Just a recap: the Follistim will stimulate my ovaries and hopefully help them produce a bunch of follicles and therefore, a bunch of eggs!
This is how I picture it.
I was excited to start the Follistim, since this means I am one step closer to getting that baby, but the excitement ended when I did my first shot and the Follistim pen didn't function the way I expected it to. I pinched my skin (as I am supposed to), and stuck the needle in, but when I tried to push down the plunger button to release the medication, it wouldn't move, and I ended up having to hold the pen with one hand, while slowly twisting the plunger down. This is very difficult to do, while trying to hold the pen still inside my skin! That night and the night after, I got painfully bloated, to the point where I already looked pregnant, and it hurt so bad, I wanted to cry! I have been chugging Powerade/Gatorade to combat the bloat and so far it has helped, so I guess I will just have to continue doing that throughout the rest of this process and hopefully I don't end up getting overstimulated (OHSS).
Let's get these ovaries movin!
J started his medications on Friday as well...not fair.
Today, I had my first monitoring appointment since starting the Follistim and the nurse seriously hurt my arm doing my blood work. I can barely move it still and it happened hours ago. By the time I got to my ultrasound, my arm was throbbing so bad, I about cried in front of the doctor!
Love looking like a drug addict

The ultrasound showed "a bunch" of follicles but they are still small, which is expected after only three days of the stims, but my blood work apparently showed something (they didn't say what) and they have already lowered my dose of nightly medication. They didn't say anything was wrong, but I can't help but be worried about this when I have only had three doses and I should be on the stims for around 10 days. STRESS! Here is a video of my slow Follistim torture. Super fun....
Anyway, I go back for another monitoring appointment on Wednesday and I am PRAYING I don't get the same nurse because I only have one good arm left!
Thanks for reading my stress ramble!
Parker is having a better day than I am, obviously.


  1. I hope that everything sorts itself out with the new dose. FX for lots of healthy eggs!

    1. Thanks! I am going to ask them tomorrow why they changed the dose, but hopefully it's nothing other than they didn't want me to be overstimulated!

  2. Hope all of the dosing gets worked out for you and that you have some good eggs coming! Your arm looks so sore, I hope you get someone better for the next draw! FX for you!

    1. Thanks! My arm is still super sore...I have a weird shaped bruise, still can't extend it properly and can't even see my vein anymore! I am going to cry if I get that nurse again tomorrow!
