Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Cooking

I woke up this morning after doing my shot of Lupron and I just wanted to cook (and EAT!).
I looked through my cupboards and remembered I had all of the ingredients for some banana pancake bites for breakfast! They are deliciously simple and quick to make and also quick to eat. I think I could have eaten all 24 of them, but I had to share with J (and Parker). These bites are only 1 Weight Watchers point each, so when eaten in moderation (not stuffing your face like I did), they make a great, point friendly breakfast.
For lunch, I decided to make some homemade pizza rolls/logs from eggroll wrappers, string cheese sticks, turkey pepperoni and pizza sauce. These things are addictive and I have them for lunch almost every day! The crunch and the flavor are the BEST!
Right after lunch, I started on dinner! I decided to make spaghetti and meatball "nests", which always take me a little while to do, since there are a few steps to them! First I got down to rolling the meatballs and baking them, then I boiled the pasta and prepped the nests and then when everything is cooked and baked, you put them together for the most adorable meal ever. It helps that they are totally tasty and give you that pasta fix, while still in a good portion size. They are 4 Weight Watchers points each and quite filling, so you definitely don't feel like you're starving. I add a vegetable side, just to give myself something extra.
As for an IVF update, tomorrow will be my 4th shot of Lupron and so far they are going well. The worst part so far is having to wake up early to give myself a shot (half asleep I might add) and I have been feeling a little achy in my abdomen, but not in the spots where I am actually doing the injections. It's an internal, crampy, muscle ache kind of feeling. Oh well....3 down, a million to go!


  1. How do you cook the pizza rolls? Just bake them or do you have a press or something? I think I need to try them.

    I'm glad to hear that the injections are going well so far. FX for you! ~Milagros

    1. Super easy! Have your eggroll wrapper face you like a diamond and put a tsp. of pizza sauce across the middle. Stick half a string cheese stick in the sauce and 3 slices of turkey pepperoni. Roll top corner in then dap a little water on the two side corners to close them roll then finish with the bottom corner. Spritz some cooking spray on the top and bake at 400 degrees for 7 minutes, flip and then another 7 minutes. :)

  2. Your post makes me so hungry! Everything looks delicious!

    I'm glad IVF is going well for you so far :)
