Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Just a little update on my waiting:

I am 4 days past my 5 day transfer and if there is anything happening, my seahorses should be well on their way to full implanting in their spots.

Yesterday, I had my progesterone (the butt shots) and estrogen levels checked and they found that my estrogen level had dropped super low, so they have now added estrogen tablets to my mix. These hormones keep my uterine lining thick and healthy, if they were too low, basically it would not be able to hold a pregnancy.  Hopefully, now with the new pills added, this is a non-issue and I am still on my way.

When we left the clinic on Friday after our transfer, we left feeling happy that we made it, but also defeated and scared. The doctor that did my transfer (not my normal doctor) did not leave us feeling hopeful and confident in our little seahorses and every time we asked a question about them, it felt like she was giving us an ambiguous answer. The nurses at my blood work yesterday could tell I wasn't super chipper, so they got my doctor to call me and he went over everything with me and made me feel a little better about the chances of my two little seahorses.  We can never know if they will make it to the end of the journey until we have them in our arms, but the doctor seems to think that these two have a good a chance as any to getting to the finish line.

Now, it is just more waiting and hoping and praying and just believing there is a chance we will one day be able to kiss the faces of the seahorses we met at our embryo transfer.  I need to let my heart believe when my brain wants to lose hope early to prepare for the worst.

I hope we get to meet, my little Seahorses.


  1. <3 Praying hard for your seahorses!

  2. Grow seahorses, grow!! Keeping everything crossed for you!!

  3. Your Blog makes me happy! I can FEEL the love you have for your sea horses! you give me hope for our journey with infertility. Also awesome song choice! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
