Monday, November 18, 2013


Excuse my terrible art skills!

I made it to beta day! Had my blood work this morning and then immediately came home and tested with some HPT's, since I knew my doctor wouldn't call with my results immediately.  I was crying as I dipped the FRER test into the pee and the control line of course came up quickly, but the rest of it slowly started building a line. Of course I watched it for the whole 3 minute time limit, so when the line first started forming, I thought I was seeing things and just kept saying "please...please...please" as tears welled up in my eyes even more.  Three minutes was up, and there it was! A fucking line I had never ever seen before in my life!!! It was light, but definitely there, so I ripped open a Wondfo cheapy test and dipped that in too...another line! Even darker than the first one! 

Yep...I have 1000 HPT photos on my phone now!

As I waited for my blood results, I decided to see if I had enough HCG in me to make a digital pregnancy test (they are supposedly less sensitive than the others) flash me a I wanted to see that beautiful word! What a BEAUTIFUL WORD!! PREGNANT! It is my FAVORITE word in the world!

The word made it real!

The doctor's office finally called me back with my HCG level, which was a 91. The nurse told me at this stage, they look for at least a level of 50, so I am happy I am above that, and I go back on Thursday for a repeat to see if my levels have gone up accordingly.  We transferred two embryos, but I won't know if there is one or two seahorses in there until my first ultrasound. I am over the moon either way though, obviously!

There is a long road ahead, but for now I can say for the first time in my life, that I am KNOCKED UP! Every time I say it, I start crying! I didn't think my body could do it!

My estimated due date according to an online IVF calculator is July 27th, 2014 (my new favorite day ever). 

**I love you my seahorse(s) and I cannot wait to meet you! I cannot believe I get to say that you are mine.  Please stick with me for the next 9 months and grow strong and healthy!**


  1. I love this so freakin hard! FX for you on Thursday! <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(I have much excite)

  3. This is so wonderful! Congratulations!!!

  4. I'm tearing up just reading this post!!!! I am so freakin' happy for you, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!

  5. This made me all teary! I am so happy for you! I love bottom pic with the seahorse.

  6. Thanks girls! You're gonna make me cry again, reading your comments! Lol

  7. Yay! I've been praying that this was your cycle. Congratulations!!! -Rdawson824

  8. I love this so much!!! I am so incredibly happy for you! Congratulations and best wishes!!!

  9. Yeahyeaheyeahyeah!

    Congratulations lady! :D
