So today is Day 3 for my embryo development and I am growing more impatient and stressed out by the minute. When the nurse called me on Monday with my fertilization report, she said she would put a note in my chart for the doctor to hopefully get me an update from the embryology lab on day 3 (today), since we all know how my last cycle turned out and I could use that update for my sanity!
I called this morning and left a message for someone to call me back for an update....the whole day goes by and no update. I call back and leave another message and they FINALLY just called me back, just to tell me "we don't get updates from embryology unless something has happened and plans have changed, so the good news is that you didn't get a call today!". No bitch...that doesn't help me! Last time they didn't call until the NIGHT before my scheduled transfer, even though they knew by this time last time that it wasn't going to happen! After the one nurse called me back to give me NOTHING useful, another one called right after, to tell me that my 9:30am Friday transfer has now been pushed back to 11am on Friday, which just means more time that I wont have me babies with me. I just want to see them and know they are okay! As crazy at it may sound to some, I am a MOTHER to those precious little balls of cells and I am feeling very protective over them.
So, in an effort to have something positive in this post; my OHSS symptoms have improved greatly today and I am feeling much less sore and bloated. Also, if my seahorses are doing well and are healthy, they should look like this today:
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A beautiful 8 cell embryo: I hope this is what my seahorses are! |
I know the waiting is excruciating. I'm pretty pissed that they didn't give you the update they promised. You have every reason to be going a little nutty(I know I sure as shit would be) at this point. You & your precious seahorses are in my constant thoughts. Lub you! <3