Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Going crazy?

I feel like I am going to lose my mind before Friday! I am so worried about how my seahorses are growing and I wish they had a webcam or something on them, so I could watch them whenever I wanted! I was seriously tempted to drive over to the clinic like a crazy lady and ask for a status report. Tomorrow, I was going to call and see if they can make a call up to the embryology lab tomorrow for a Day 3 update, but I am also afraid of the phone ringing because according to them, silence is golden and that means things are going well.

For the first IVF, I honestly didn't stress out this much. I figured as long as they didn't call me, I was fine and I managed to not be thinking about it constantly. This time, I know what can happen and it is way more nerve wracking!
This is what my seahorses SHOULD look like today.
What makes me even more nervous now, is that I am definitely feeling some OHSS [ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome] symptoms this time around (I had none last time) and that can potentially cancel my transfer if there is too much bloating and fluid and if my embryos make it to transfer day, I would be completely shattered if I got cancelled due to OHSS and had to freeze my seahorses!
Right now, I am still wishing and hoping and praying for my miracle.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping everything crossed that your seahorses are growing strong!!!
