Monday, November 4, 2013

Fert Report!

So yesterday was my egg retrieval. The procedure went much better than last time and the anesthesia wasn't nearly as awful! I was able to come home and rest on the couch with some TV all day and not feel like a zombie with no appetite. Had some soreness which is to be expected (even though I didn't have any last time), but I pulled the sofa bed out for myself, and relaxed with my Dr. Parker all day, watching a marathon of Shameless episodes on Showtime!

So the details of egg retrieval: They retrieved 16 eggs this was 15 eggs last time and they called me this morning with the news of my fertilization results.

16 eggs retrieved
16 eggs were mature (meaning they can be fertilized)
15 eggs fertilized with ICSI

That's right folks!!! I have FIFTEEN embryos growing right now! FIFTEEN!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I started crying on the phone when the nurse told me....I thought I heard her wrong! We are doing so much better at this point than we were last time. We only had FIVE embryos last time, so I am hoping and wishing and praying that out of fifteen, our baby is in there somewhere!

Since I had a Little Mermaid theme going on for this cycle, my embryos have been dubbed my seahorses (to go with my carved pumpkin) and I hope that my Seahorses thrive and grow and know that I love every single one of them already and I hope they want to meet me as much as I want to meet them!


  1. Grow, embies, grow!!!! I am so happy to hear the ER wasn't as bad this time around. Hope you're feeling better, it looks like Dr. Parker took good care of you ;) Keeping everything crossed for you!!!

  2. Woot woot!!!! I'm so excited to hear this! Everything about this cycle has been so different & I have to believe that can only mean good things! <3!!!!!

  3. I love this and I have my fingers crossed so tight for you and your little embies!!!

  4. This makes me so happy to hear :) Seriously the best news all day! Grow, little seahorses, GROW!!!!
